Monday, March 7, 2011

Friends of ANZAC Park Toowong is not aligned with any political or religious organisation

Who are FAPT? We are simply a collection of locals and others who object to our local heritage listed public park being used as a private construction workforce car park by the Northern Link Road Tunnel Project. We come from all walks of life and we want this situation created by the Coordinator-General's imposed condition for off-street parking and BCC's disrespectful approach to it resolved in the best possible way for the community and the tunnel workers. We will not accept any options for a car park to be located in ANZAC War Memorial Park, Toowong.

Who is our Local Member? Our Local LNP Member is Cr Peter Matic who holds the title of Chairman of Environment, Parks & Sustainability, and the post Brisbane flood title of Chairman, Environmental Recovery Sub-Committee.

What is Cr Peter Matic doing to represent the wishes of his constituents?


  1. How does disagreeing with the desecration of an ANZAC War Memorial park by Cr Newman's LNP BCC Council make you a Labor stooge?

  2. Most Liberal voters in this electorate are appalled by the poor representation & sheer arrogance - only matched by abysmal ignorance of the Lord Mayor. Next election will not vote for anyone who hates parks, people, trees & dogs!

  3. So I guess whoever said that FAPT were "Card-Carrying, Labor-Party, Left-Wing, Looney Rat-Bags", got it a bit wrong!

  4. If Campbell is looking for a card carrying Labor-party member I am happy to step up to the mark at take one for the team. I will also let the residents of Toowong know that if I was Councillor I would listen to them and I would certainly ensure ANZAC park is properly preserved and given the dignity and respect it deserves. I urge local residents to remember this awful fight they are having at the next council election. I will be there to stand up for them and ensure when there is such a strong ground swell of concern, I will deal with the situation appropriately.

  5. On 15 March Can Do in a BCC Council Meeting called members of our residents group "card carrying members of the Australian Labor party" - this is the sort of hateful political talk that was around decades ago and is not welcome around here. The park is a public park for all people to use and enjoy.
