Friday, December 10, 2010

Cr Peter Matic and his very own "MISINFORMATION" for his constituents - Anzac Park listed on Avenues of Honour Project in 2007

The community were informed in a letter from Cr Peter Matic dated 3 November 2010, "There has been considerable misinformation circulating within the community regarding this proposal. Here are the facts: While Anzac Park began life as a memorial park, it is no longer recognised as such and no memorial exists." What he has written in his letter to us is UNTRUE. Here are the actual "facts": Anzac Park Toowong was recently listed on the Avenues of Honour Research Report Produced for the National 2015 Avenues of Honour Project, Brisbane City Council 2007. This report was commissioned by the Natural Environment and Sustainability Branch, Open Space Planning Section of Brisbane City Council as part of the 2015 Avenues of Honour project. The project, which is a national initiative coordinated by TREENET in South Australia, aims to honour the memory of every individual who has made the supreme sacrifice on behalf of all Australians. TREENET intends to do this by documenting, preserving and reinstating the original tree plantings and establishing new Avenues of Honour by the Centenary of Anzac in 2015. The cultural heritage significance of Anzac Park has been widely documented and the park is known to the locals as a memorial park. Anzac Park was listed on the BCC Heritage Register in January 2004 under - Schedule 1, Heritage places and heritage precincts of cultural heritage significance. Read how Anzac Park is listed on the Avenues of Honour report for yourself HERE TREENET HERE Read CR PETER MATIC'S misinformation to his constituents in his letter HERE ‘Lest We Forget’ March 2012 BCC Elections

1 comment:

  1. Well, Matic does seem to get confused easily. Apparently both Anzac Park and Ada Park are carparks. Easy to to do - park/carpark. Three pesky extra letters, bit tricky. Poor dear. Probably doesn't realise what A.N.Z.A.C. stands for either - that's 5 letters.
