Sunday, December 19, 2010

Friends of Anzac Park Toowong, 'Hall of Shame'


  1. Peter Matic, you are an evil man destroying our parks, and there is no way in a million years you will be voted in next election.

  2. i hate campbell newman he is a tunnel obsessed maniac ruining a historical park
    why dont the workers just get public transport?

  3. Cr Newman described supporters of Anzac Park as "card carrying Labor supporters".
    I voted for him and Matic in the last Council election. Won't be doing that again.
    He also apparently said something like as we had not "served" (meaning in a war) we had no right to try to save the park. My grandfather "served" in Gallipolli. My neighbour's son-in-law "served" in Afghanistan. Is that good enough Cr Newman?
    Last resort of the politician: if you don't have any good arguments, belittle and tell some lies about the people you oppose.
