Thursday, November 18, 2010

WEB WORDS, Westside News Page 9 "NO TO CAR PARK"

"COUNCIL has been encouraging people to use the parks for recreation and exercise. I am one of the daily walkers in Anzac Park, together with dozens of others. Needless to say, we all walk on the circuit road provided inside the perimeter. Fitness groups use the grassy areas as well. On a personal level, the introduction of another car park, with construction traffic coming and going, will destroy the venue of my, and many others', daily physical activities. Aside from the disruption to peoples lives, the beauty and serenity of the park with its mature trees will be lost. I protest most strongly about the proposal to interfere with the tranquillity of this much needed and loved green space that is our local Anzac Park." Dinah Johnson via website

1 comment:

  1. Keep walking on the circuit track. You may cause a traffic-jam of 300 cars behind you though! The workers will get sick of the traffic-jams caused by walkers and will end up parking on the local streets anyway. So the proposed car park should be put elsewhere!
