Wednesday, March 23, 2011


On Tuesday 15 March 2011 at the Meeting of Brisbane City Council, Lord Mayor Campbell Newman was asked a question in relation to the proposed BCC desecration of ANZAC Park, Toowong. The question from Cr Sutton was:

LORD MAYOR. Why are you ignoring the groundswell of opposition to your plan to desecrate Anzac Park, Toowong, during the construction of your next toll tunnel? The local residents group has said, and I quote, “The ashes of soldiers that lie within this green space will be defended with the same spirit that made the meaning of Anzac to be revered and respected.” Why are you so fixated on your toll tunnels, which are not working, that you are willing to trample over the ashes of our fallen soldiers?

Read the Lord Mayor's response ‘MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS’ on page 11 & 12 HERE

Lord Mayor, we are not aligned with any political party.

Members of Friends of Anzac Park Toowong cover a broad spectrum of people with one thing in common: a desire to save Anzac Park.

1 comment:

  1. I fail to see the relevance of the service experience of Cr Newman or his family to the argument.
    The tunnel is also a given and so it is little wonder that the response was not useful and defensive after Cr Sutton showed that red rag.
    Where are the real issues being debated? Certainly not in these farcical Council Meetings.
    Council keep referring to 'clogging up the streets' but they have not defined exactly what this means and what the associated risks or damages are. Residents are less concerned with this and more concerned with safety issues associated with traffic movements within the park and fact that a memorial site is even being considered for such a facility, as other bloggers have already noted.
