Monday, March 21, 2011

Next step...

The BCC Legacy Way Parking Plan 'Community Consultation Sessions' have concluded and the 'Feedback' period closed Monday at 5pm. BCC said they will ‘prepare a report capturing the feedback’ by mid week. BCC have stated that they will decide which one of the five options will be selected and proposed to the Coordinator-General in an Application for evaluation of environmental effects of proposed change. Under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 when this document is lodged with the Coordinator-General and the public notice decision is made, the community will have three weeks in which to make 'properly made submissions' to the Coordinator-General offering our thoughts on the proposed site for the parking plan.

The Coordinator-General must take into account these 'properly made submissions' when making the decision to allow or refuse the proposal as satisfying the Imposed Condition for off-street workforce car parking. Last December the Coordinator-General directed BCC to fully explore all other options for its parking plan.

Let’s see which option is proposed to the Coordinator-General!

1 comment:

  1. Yvonne Li said...I fully agree with the author. I sincerely hope our elected representatives are listening. If they don't, I certainly will. We will need to keep a close eye on this project throughout the development as there could be slippage, and this monitoring needs to be ongoing. Back to the workforce car park, time will tell what we need to do next. Everyone who submitted a protest feedback on the ANZAC park proposal deserves a pat on the back.
