Thursday, March 31, 2011

Local poster

SAVE ANZAC PARK !!!!!! Notice the famous flying-fox in ANZAC Park is included under 'WE DO WANT'. BCC please take this as feedback from the community for the Legacy Way parking plan community consultation. What it says is very clear and precise.



Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Heed call of 'Lest We forget' from 'Speak up' page 8 today's Westside News.

"As an ex-serviceman I get increasingly annoyed with the lip service some organisations show to our servicemen who served, and also paid the supreme sacrifice. Too often war memorials all over the place have been moved because it was not convenient for roads, and far too often trees planted to venerate memories have been removed at bureaucratic whim. The latest desecration is to allow the hallowed ground of Toowong Anzac Park to be used as a car park. A war memorial has its place in the community all year round. We should take care to heed the call of Lest We Forget...because by its behaviour the Brisbane City Council has!" JM Barnett.

To find out what's going on in our local community grab a copy of this week's Westside News.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Toowong RSL Sub Branch launches website to save ANZAC Park

Visit the Toowong RSL blog HERE

In Flanders Fields
by John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

MEDIA: Westside News 'Car park not settled'

'Car park not settled' Westside News, 29 March 2011 by Vanessa Croll. Read the article and make a comment HERE

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Who are Friends of ANZAC Park Toowong?

We are simply a collection of locals and individuals who object to our local heritage listed public park and our much needed green space being used as a private construction workforce car park by the Northern Link Road Tunnel Project 'Legacy Way'. Read more HERE

Thursday, March 24, 2011

45 action groups now under the one umbrella

Breakfast with Spencer Howson - Forty-five community action groups are forming under an umbrella organisation called Brisbane Residents United HERE

Note comments made on lack of community consultation and then if the community consultation does happen, Council arrives with a pre-done plan, and we are supposed to just tick the boxes - sound familiar Toowong?

Brisbane Residents United HERE

Westside News - Comment

"Post a comment about Anzac Park on the Westside News story." HERE

"High degree of hypocrisy here" - say Toowong RSL

If you missed last Friday’s article 'Legacy of Diggers worth fighting for' in the Courier Mail read it HERE

Last weekend, the Toowong RSL sub-branch voted unanimously against the carpark. And, just like his forebears, sub-branch president Kerry Gallagher is mounting "vigorous protest" at the proposals.

"There's a high degree of hypocrisy here," Gallagher says. "On one hand we're calling it Legacy Way, we're naming it after the widows and widowers of service personnel who have passed away overseas, and yet we trash their memory by parking on top of their symbolic burial ground."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


On Tuesday 15 March 2011 at the Meeting of Brisbane City Council, Lord Mayor Campbell Newman was asked a question in relation to the proposed BCC desecration of ANZAC Park, Toowong. The question from Cr Sutton was:

LORD MAYOR. Why are you ignoring the groundswell of opposition to your plan to desecrate Anzac Park, Toowong, during the construction of your next toll tunnel? The local residents group has said, and I quote, “The ashes of soldiers that lie within this green space will be defended with the same spirit that made the meaning of Anzac to be revered and respected.” Why are you so fixated on your toll tunnels, which are not working, that you are willing to trample over the ashes of our fallen soldiers?

Read the Lord Mayor's response ‘MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS’ on page 11 & 12 HERE

Lord Mayor, we are not aligned with any political party.

Members of Friends of Anzac Park Toowong cover a broad spectrum of people with one thing in common: a desire to save Anzac Park.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

MEDIA: 'Veterans vow street protest'

Westside News 22 March 2011 by Vanessa Croll HERE
WAR veterans and senior citizens have vowed to lay in front of bulldozers if council goes ahead with plans to use Anzac Park as the site for the Legacy Way tunnel’s construction carpark...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Next step...

The BCC Legacy Way Parking Plan 'Community Consultation Sessions' have concluded and the 'Feedback' period closed Monday at 5pm. BCC said they will ‘prepare a report capturing the feedback’ by mid week. BCC have stated that they will decide which one of the five options will be selected and proposed to the Coordinator-General in an Application for evaluation of environmental effects of proposed change. Under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 when this document is lodged with the Coordinator-General and the public notice decision is made, the community will have three weeks in which to make 'properly made submissions' to the Coordinator-General offering our thoughts on the proposed site for the parking plan.

The Coordinator-General must take into account these 'properly made submissions' when making the decision to allow or refuse the proposal as satisfying the Imposed Condition for off-street workforce car parking. Last December the Coordinator-General directed BCC to fully explore all other options for its parking plan.

Let’s see which option is proposed to the Coordinator-General!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Feedback due Monday 21 March 2011

Find the Legacy Way car parking plan 'Feedback Forms', 'Fact! Sheets', and details for the 'Community Consultation Sessions' HERE
Email your feedback to Northern Link directly today or by close of business, Monday 21 March!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What concerns the Lord Mayor is all in the past

Read what the Lord Mayor said in 2007, 'Campbell Newman attacks ALP over war veterans' HERE

Friday, March 18, 2011

MEDIA: newsbytes

'Lord Mayor denies desecration of ANZAC Park' By Siobhan Chapman — Friday, March 18, 2011 HERE

MEDIA: The Courier-Mail Friday, March 18, 2011

'Legacy of fallen Diggers worth fighting for in latest Anzac skirmish' - article by Matthew Condon, page 34-35
"...Anzac War Memorial Park at Toowong being turned into a car park? Can't do."

Love your work Matthew!

Read the article

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Last chance for signs and bumper stickers

Last chance to grab your sign and bumper sticker this Saturday 19 March at 9.00am on Wool Street, next to ANZAC Park.
Be quick!!

Feedback due Monday 21 March 2011

Find the Legacy Way car parking plan 'Feedback Forms', 'Fact! Sheets', and details for the 'Community Consultation Sessions' HERE

Return your Feedback Form to BCC Northern Link 'Legacy Way' by 21 March 2011 - this coming Monday!
Take the link on the left and print out a Feedback Form and send by post or email your comments directly.

Reconstructing Queensland (People’s Question Time, 18 March 2011)

Queensland Government. Ask your question HERE

The panellists answering your questions about reconstructing Queensland are:
•Premier Anna Bligh
•Treasurer Andrew Fraser
•Major General Mick Slater, Chair, Queensland Reconstruction Authority
•Greg Hallam, Chief Executive Officer, Local Government Association of Queensland
•Greg Goebel, Executive Director, Australian Red Cross

Brisbane Residents United

Group Launch and Press Release HERE

MEDIA: Channel Ten Wednesday 16 March 2011

Another SAVE ANZAC PARK mention on Channel Ten News last night!
RSL goes to Canberra!

Warren Snowdon MP HERE

It's time to revisit 'God TV'!

'Time for some entertainment - The Lord Mayor giveth and the Lord Mayor taketh away' HERE

BCC don't have Development Approval to locate car park in heritage listed ANZAC Park

BCC intends to first determine where the Legacy Way construction workforce car park is to be located through the complex process of ‘Community Consultation Sessions’, an Application for evaluation of environmental effects of proposed change, the Coordinator-General’s public notice decision and 50K fees, and the community’s ‘properly made submissions’ which the Coordinator-General ‘must’ take into account under the SDPWO Act 1971, when making the decision as to whether BCC’s proposal will satisfy the Imposed Condition 18(k), before even having development approval - BCC is certainly putting the cart before the horse.

The Coordinator-General stated in the Coordinator-General’s Report Northern Link Road Tunnel released: April 2010 ‘Report evaluating the Environmental Impact Statement’, pursuant to section 35(3) of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971, that development approvals are required for all aspects of development on a local heritage place.

ANZAC Park was listed on the BCC Heritage Register in 2004 therefore the Heritage Place Code under the BCC City Plan 2000 applies and reports must be made, for any development, in accordance with the Burra Charter. Under the Burra Charter a construction workforce car park within ANZAC Park is not a ‘compatible’ ‘use’ of a ’place’ of ‘cultural significance’.

How does BCC expect to be given development approval to destroy ANZAC Park? Will they just give it to themselves without following the proper process?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Another Statutory Declaration in relation to the memorial significance of ANZAC Park

Read the Statutory Declaration HERE
Earlier Posts:
'Two more Statutory Declarations from residents of Wool Street confirm ashes were indeed scattered in ANZAC Park' HERE
'Statutory Declaration of Arthur Palmer - Ashes of Returned Soldiers in ANZAC Park' HERE


“We are writing to inform you that:
1. contrary to your recommendation, the BCC has not genuinely or properly investigated or considered a range of options to satisfy the project’s construction workforce parking requirements for the western works;
2. contrary to your recommendation, the BCC has not properly or genuinely undertaken consultation with the community on its parking plan...”

You Tube - Check out what Campbell Newman's BCC is doing to a local park - named in honour of the ANZACs!

MEDIA: Westside News 'Tunnel car park too far'

HERE or page 3 of this week's paper. Make your comment online at the end of the story.
Read 'Speak up' on page 8 and Web words on page 9.

Monday, March 14, 2011

'Community Consultation Sessions' end soon

Attend one of this week's 'Community Consultation Sessions' - details HERE

Option 1 - Hoop Pine Area with shuttle bus to the worksite - smart! What do you think?

Return your Feedback Form to Legacy Way by 21 March 2011.

After the 'Community Consultation Sessions' BCC will choose one of the Options, (but the Coordinator-General said that ANZAC Park can only be used in conjunction with other parking solutions not provided in the Reference Design?) and will lodge an Application for evaluation of environmental effects of proposed change with the Coordinator-General. The Coordinator-General's public notice decison will give the public the opportunity to make our objections in 'properly made submissions' to the Coordinator-General, which 'must' be taken into account in the decision - which is what we did last November when BCC's first proposal to destroy ANZAC Park was refused by the Coordinator-General...soldier on!

What sort of community consultation do you call this when BCC have already said they want to use ANZAC Park? The outcome of the community consultation is already decided, it appears!

What's the drama all about? - The Coordinator-General’s Imposed Condition 18(k)

18 (k) The construction workforce must not park in local streets. A dedicated and adequate construction workforce off-street parking area must be provided. All construction workforce vehicles must be directed to project construction workforce car parks. To avoid construction workforce car parking in local streets, shuttle transport between construction workforce car parks distant from a construction area must be provided for the duration of the period the construction area is in use.

Above is the Coordinator-General’s Imposed Condition which must be satisfied by BCC and constructed by Transcity. Note the Imposed Condition states – ‘All construction workforce vehicles must be directed to project construction workforce car parks.’

Cr Quirk said on Channel Ten News on 3 March 2011, ‘It’s a free country and in the end people can park wherever they want to park, so if we make it too difficult I fear that they’ll end up parking in those local streets.”

Transcity said on 9 March 2011, that there is no legal way to enforce this condition on the workforce, but as employers they will do everything possible to have the workforce comply.

But the Imposed Conditions states –
‘To avoid construction workforce car parking in local streets, shuttle transport between construction workforce car parks distant from a construction area must be provided for the duration of the period the construction area is in use.’

So the use of shuttle buses is an Imposed Condition to avoid workers parking on the local streets, but BCC wants one of the ANZAC Park sites to avoid the cost of shuttle buses, and will also breach the Imposed Condition. The workers will still need to be shuttle bussed from either site in ANZAC Park as the distance from ANZAC Park is too far for the workers to walk to the worksite. Shuttle buses are being used at the Eastern end of the project where BCC has already taken green space in Victoria Park. Not making any sense? Raise your concerns!

Coordinator-General’s Report Northern Link Road Tunnel released: April 2010 ‘Report evaluating the Environmental Impact Statement’, pursuant to section 35(3) of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 - APPENDIX 1, Schedule 3 – Imposed Conditions 18 (k) - messing with our lives!

Transcity - Western Community Liaison Group Meeting - Minutes and Meeting Slides


At this meeting the Friends of ANZAC Park Toowong Community Liaison Group Meeting Representative and other community representatives were prevented from asking questions in relation to Legacy Way's tunnel project workforce parking plan - under directions from BCC to the Chair. Strangely, Workforce Parking was on the meeting agenda and BCC spoke about their current 'Community Consultation Session' but our questions were not allowed - this will be followed up with the Coordinator-General as the CLG is an Imposed Condition of the project.


"I wish to confirm that I was born at ‘DovercourtToowong in 1919 and have had a close association with ANZAC War Memorial Park since I was a small child.

I have been aware all of my life that this War Memorial Park contains a sacred avenue of palms and other trees specifically planted as memorials to individuals Servicemen who were killed at Gallipoli and in France. All of the trees bore official brass plaques with the names, serial numbers and unit badges. I am also aware that many returned servicemen’s families have placed the ashes of their loved ones in this park in good faith over many decades as a continuing practice.

It is appalling to contemplate any desecration of this sacred ground in ANZAC War Memorial Park Toowong." Read the statement HERE


Image: (Right) SL BMH Palmer DFC & FO Ted Reynolds Dec.1944 PIVA Strip Bougainville
Image: BMH Palmer RG Menzies PM Aug.1940 Archerfield Brisbane Formation ex Amberley

Fifth generation Toowong resident Arthur Palmer is the son of BMH Palmer. Arthur Palmer's great-grandfather, Sir Arthur Hunter Palmer, was Premier of Queensland 03/05/1870 – 08/01/1874.

Read Arthur Palmer's Statutory Declaration HERE

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Find the Legacy Way car parking plan 'Feedback Forms', 'Fact! Sheets', and details for the 'Community Consultation Sessions' HERE

Option 1 - Hoop Pine Area with shuttle bus to the worksite - smart! What do you think?

Return your Feedback Form to Legacy Way by 21 March 2011

SAVE ANZAC Park campaign goes viral!

Friends of ANZAC Park Toowong campaign-workers would like to thank all supporters and the local community for all you have done and will do to SAVE ANZAC PARK. Great signs, bumper-stickers, letters to the editor, flyers... Join us. We are just getting started. You ain't seen nothin' yet BCC!

Feel free to contact us if you have some ideas or would like to offer your help in any way, or 'just do it!'

MEDIA: Westside News 'Speak up' 9 March 2011 'Save our park'

Today I swelled with pride to be among Toowong residents (Friends of ANZAC Park), who are taking it upon themselves to save the dignity and character of Anzac War Memorial Park in Wool St, against Brisbane City Council, who are pushing to create a car park. Shame on council for even thinking of making the memories of our ancestors a car park for the Northern Link tunnel project (Legacy Way). Yvonne Li via (After attending the FAPT Meeting in ANZAC Park 27 February 2011)


Our thoughts are with those affected by the tragedy of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Since the campaign began last November to SAVE ANZAC Park we, the global family, have lived, and lost, through the Brisbane Floods, Brazil Floods, Cyclone Yasi, Christchurch Earthquake and now the devastating tragedy in Japan. Yet BCC still want to take our well loved local ANZAC Park and haven and use it for a car park. Bad karma BCC. Leave us in peace.

Image: Kyoto? No, our very own beautiful Japanese Gardens at our local treasure, the Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha, Toowong HERE

'Japan says sorry to former Australian POWs' HERE

What a complex world we live in, which is why we and our children need our green space more than ever.

Looking for some answers?

For more information about workforce parking consultation contact the Legacy Way team - Email:

BCC's Four Month War to Desecrate ANZAC Park

The war over ANZAC Park has now gone on for over four months. It's time to revisit the Friends of Anzac Park Toowong 'Hall of Shame' HERE

We will do whatever it takes to stop the desecration of ANZAC War Memorial Park. Join us. ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing’. What sort of a Council does this to a community who is about to live with a tunnel project on their door step for the next four years? What sort of Council does this to the memory of our Diggers?


Friday, March 11, 2011

Escape the bungle

Had enough of the Legacy Way workforce car parking bungling to last you a million life times? Then visit one of our local treasures this weekend and change your view of the world for a moment.
Summit Restaurant & Kuta Cafe HERE
Botanical Cafe HERE

Letter to the Editor

SAVE ANZAC PARK - Write to the Editor of The Courier-Mail HERE

Thursday, March 10, 2011

'Legacy Way' Parking Plan 'Community Consultation Sessions' 8-18 March

Details HERE

Cultural significance means aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual value for past, present or future generations.

Cultural Heritage expert to attend 'Community Consultation Sessions'

ANZAC Park is listed on the BCC Heritage Register
'Cultural Heritage' is a Term of Reference and must be addressed in the parking plan. The BCC's Cultural Heritage expert will be at the following 'Community Consultation Sessions' to answer your questions as to why BCC believes it can locate a private construction workforce car park within an almost century old heritage listed ANZAC memorial public park, on top of the ashes and urns of our Diggers: Thursday 10 March: 6.30 – 8.30pm, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Auditorium, Mount Coot-tha Road, Toowong; Saturday 12 March: 12 – 3pm Queensland Academy of Science, Mathematics and Technology lecture theatre, Bywong Street, Toowong; Wednesday 16 March: 6.30 – 8.30pm Queensland Academy of Science, Mathematics and Technology lecture theatre, Bywong Street, Toowong.

Good luck getting the answers! We have been trying to get some answers for the past four months!

Note the Cultural Heritage Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) completed for the project states on page 373 - 10.2.3 Construction Access - Any vehicles involved in construction activities must not use Anzac Park as a means of access to the project area nor can it be used for the storage of construction materials. So instead BCC have decided to turn the park into a car park. Don't believe it? Read it for yourself HERE

The Burra Charter HERE

Voice your objection and SAVE ANZAC PARK

Attend the BCC Northern Link 'Legacy Way' Workforce Parking 'Community Consultation Sessions' 8-18 March and fill in a Feedback Form. Details HERE

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


How's that for a front page and a page 5! Grab yourself a souvenir copy of this week's Westside News. Read Page 8 SPEAK UP for some wise words from locals.

'Tunnel options stir anger' 8 Mar 11 HERE

Have your say - SAVE ANZAC PARK

Northern Link Newsroom March 2011
Workforce Parking fact sheets and feedback forms HERE

Attend the Workforce Parking Community Consultation Sessions from 8-18 March. See BCC's Newsroom for times and locations HERE


Option 4
With the plan to relocate the dog off-leash area to inside the circuit track the dogs will now be defecating on the ashes of our Diggers. There will also be car spaces made for dog park patrons which essentially creates a car park in the main part of the park. They fail to mention this on the fact sheet.

Option 5
With this option the workers' cars will be parked on the ashes and urns of our Diggers.

Keep a photocopy of your feedback form before you send it in.

MEDIA: Westside News - 'Tunnel options stir anger'

'Tunnel options stir anger' 8 Mar 11 HERE

Note the article states that the two cheapest and closest options are located in the park. This is actually incorrect. ANZAC Park as it turns out will be the most expensive site.

MEDIA: 'Banks face huge loss on Clem7 as value plunges'

The Courier-Mail March 08, 2011 HERE

Monday, March 7, 2011

Friends of ANZAC Park Toowong is not aligned with any political or religious organisation

Who are FAPT? We are simply a collection of locals and others who object to our local heritage listed public park being used as a private construction workforce car park by the Northern Link Road Tunnel Project. We come from all walks of life and we want this situation created by the Coordinator-General's imposed condition for off-street parking and BCC's disrespectful approach to it resolved in the best possible way for the community and the tunnel workers. We will not accept any options for a car park to be located in ANZAC War Memorial Park, Toowong.

Who is our Local Member? Our Local LNP Member is Cr Peter Matic who holds the title of Chairman of Environment, Parks & Sustainability, and the post Brisbane flood title of Chairman, Environmental Recovery Sub-Committee.

What is Cr Peter Matic doing to represent the wishes of his constituents?

Two more Statutory Declarations from residents of Wool Street confirm ashes were indeed scattered in ANZAC Park

'ANZAC Park' is certainly a memorial park.

"Wool Street contributed many men to the Second World War, including Arundel Wilson, a grandson of Judge Harding, my brother, Lieutenant Bernard Bolger, Lieutenant Clive Purcell and his two brothers, RAAF member Keith Waller, and several others." HERE

"I have observed gatherings of people in Anzac Park which were solemn occasions, which I observed were people gathered to scatter ashes and hold a ceremony in remembrance of their loved ones. It was the solemnity of the occasion which drew my attention to the scattering of ashes and I have observed groups which were in Anzac Park for this purpose." HERE

Brisbane City Council only recently in 2004 listed ANZAC Park on it's very own BCC Heritage Register. The park satisfied 3 criteria to be listed - one was 'as a place for remembering the fallen from the district in the Great War, it has a strong or special association with the life or work of a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons.' We have a copy of the BCC Report 'Conservation Management Study Site Report September 2002' which recommended ANZAC Park be listed on the Register, which it went on to be in 2004.

It would appear BCC are ignoring this memorial significance and in fact recently have denied the memorial significance of the park in a letter to residents HERE. ANZAC Park was also mentioned on the Avenue of Honour Project in 2007 which aims to honour the memory of the fallen by documenting, preserving and reinstating the original tree plantings and establishing new Avenues of Honour by the Centenary of Anzac in 2015. We have a copy of this report also, 'Avenues of Honour Research Report Produced for the national 2015 Avenues of Honour project'.

Something very peculiar seems to be going on here.

Read the Statutory Declaration of Toowong resident Arthur Beau Palmer HERE

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Supporters Packages

Supporters packages for sale again Sunday afternoon at 4 pm Wool Street entrance to Anzac Park.
Not many signs left, but lots of stickers.
Be quick!
Subscribe to our email list for updates and information about purchasing signs and bumper stickers. Email:

Did you believe ANZAC Park was off the agenda?

Wondering why there are now 'SAVE ANZAC PARK' signs and bumper stickers around Toowong? Were you one of the locals who read one of the 14,000 letters distributed on 16 and 22 February 2011, which said that BCC were looking at 'alternative' sites because last year the Coordinator-General had refused BCC's proposal to locate the Legacy Way construction workforce car park in ANZAC Memorial Park? Well you have been misled it would seem. BCC now have 2 options to destroy our park.

Two options to destroy ANZAC War Memorial Park HERE

Council moves further to desecrate Anzac HERE

Update – Yesterday’s Meeting of the Workforce Parking Consultation Group HERE

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Skitch 'em Rex!

“Over our dead bodies! BCC will not take our dog-park!”, say ANZAC Park Dog-parkers. Dog-parkers oppose both options to destroy ANZAC Park. Option 4 proposes to destroy the Dog off-leash park in the western corner of ANZAC Park which has been a meeting place for dog-lovers and dogs since 1997. It is enshrined in Qld legislation that a person in charge of a dog that is closely confined for a continuous period must ensure the dog is exercised or allowed to exercise itself.

BCC mentioned that they intend to relocate the dog park within ANZAC Park, and guess where? – on the hill area where the Diggers' ashes are scattered. So our dogs will be going to the lavatory on the ashes of our Diggers!

We love and care for our dogs and we have made some great new friends over the years at the dog-park. This is an important community meeting area in Toowong. Over our dead bodies!

No mention by Cr Quirk of the ANZAC Tradition

Channel Ten News has covered the Save ANZAC Park story for the past two nights on their 6:30 News. Cr Quirk has featured both times but without mention by him of the issues associated with the Anzac Tradition and the ashes of returned servicemen which are scattered in the Park. Raise your concerns with Graham Quirk, Deputy Mayor, Chairman for Infrastructure HERE. What is it about 'ANZAC' that he doesn't understand?

'SAVE ANZAC PARK' - Signs go up!

Get your signs and bumper stickers today.

Click here for details

Thanks Toowong! Signs and bumpers stickers going up everywhere!

MORE MEDIA!: The Courier-Mail

'Park faces new threat in car space fight' HERE

'Providing parking for workforce on $1.5 billion Legacy Way tunnel project could cost council extra $8m'

Both articles by Robyn Ironside and Sarah Vogler, The Courier-Mail, March 05, 2011

Read the story and make a comment online.

Friday, March 4, 2011

TRANSCITY – Construction and Preliminary Works

Construction of Legacy Way (formerly Northern Link) is expected to start at the western worksite, on the northern side of the Western Motorway in Toowong, by early April 2011. HERE

As part of preliminary works, Transcity need to realign a section of the trunk water main located on Council land in the vicinity of the pedestrian footpath located behind Banyan Gardens at 111-113 Elizabeth Street, Toowong. This water main requires realignment beneath the Western Motorway and surrounding areas to allow for the construction of the entrance ramps to the tunnel. The actual realignment works are due to occur mid-2011.

This is not connected to the work BCC did last week to fix sinkholes found in the area between the Dog off-leash area and the bicycle/pedestrian path near the townhouses. It is not connected with BCC Legacy Way’s option 4 to destroy the Dog off-leash area and use it as a construction workforce car park for the tunnel project. It is also not connected with BCC Legacy Way's option 5 to destroy North ANZAC Park and use it as a construction workforce car park for the tunnel project.

MEDIA: Channel TEN 6:30 4 March 2011 'Bring in the buses'

Another great story with CFMEU (Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union) Bud Neiland on Channel Ten tonight with Ten's News Reporter, Jonathan Lea. Thanks Channel Ten.

If the workforce car park is located in ANZAC Park using either the North ANZAC Park option or the Dog off leash option, the workers are still going to have to be bussed to the western worksite anyway, as it will be too far for the workers to walk - it will be at least 1km (NOT the 430 metres that BCC said it will be - very 'Quirky' arithmetic going on it seems). At the eastern end of the tunnel project BCC have a construction workforce car park and it is already confirmed by BCC that the workers will be bussed to the eastern worksite. If bussing can be done at the eastern end it can be done at the western end too. Save ANZAC Park and put the car park on Mt Coot-tha as suggested in the other options.

Give the workers a break, who wants to walk a long distance back to their car in the dark and rain after a long shift at work. If BCC think it might save a few bucks by descrating ANZAC Park they need to think again! The workers are the ones who will be building the tunnel so BCC might want to listen to their views on this car parking matter. There is no difference in cost between Anzac Park and the other sites - so SAVE ANZAC PARK.

The CFMEU has a Proud Past in promoting heritage protection. See our earlier post HERE

Ashes scattered in ANZAC War Memorial Park Toowong

Ashes of Returned Soldiers in ANZAC Park HERE
Ashes of Ansis Paul (Jack) KALNINS in “Jack’s Gully” HERE

Andrew Fraser MP - Speech at the Dedication of the Sandakan POW War Memorial

Speech at the Dedication of the Sandakan POW War Memorial
"It is, of course, a deep honour to have been invited to participate in this ceremony this afternoon. For most of the history of the federation we have drawn pride from the commemoration of the feats of our fearless Anzacs. It is often remarked today that in so doing, we are paying tribute not just to the original Anzacs but to the Anzac tradition. Nearly a century may have passed since that fateful landing. However, far from dissipating as time marches on, the reverence to the Anzac tradition has grown stronger in recent years. Younger Australians have populated the crowds that gather at monuments across the nation, and at ceremonies around the world." Read complete speech HERE

Andrew Fraser Labor MP for the State electorate of Mount Coot-tha HERE

Battlefields Tours for Anzac Day 2011

Official travel agent to the Australian War Memorial Battlefields Tours offers the following tours for Anzac Day 2011 HERE

Thursday, March 3, 2011

MEDIA: Channel TEN 6:30 3 March 2011 'ANZAC Park to be bulldozed for a car park'

Great story Channel 10 - accurate and real! Thanks Channel 10

"...Anzac Park, Toowong, the first place in the world to bear that historic title, it is understood
Land bought and named ANZAC Park 1916 HERE

Council moves further to desecrate Anzac Park

Remember the letter that BCC Legacy Way distributed to 14,000 homes back on 16 February which stated that the Coordinator-General had refused, last year, BCC’s proposal to use ANZAC Park as a construction workforce car park for the Legacy Way tunnel project, and BCC were now considering ‘alternative’ sites. HERE

We knew they were reconsidering ANZAC Park, they had already told us they were. We said that the letter would be misleading and asked them to clarify its contents before distributing it. BCC refused and went ahead with the distribution of this misleading letter. The feedback we received from the community was that in fact the community was misled into thinking that ANZAC Park was no longer being considered as a site for the car park.

As you can see Friends of ANZAC Park were right all along in what we told our supporters. Take a look at BCC Legacy Way Newsroom website and see that BCC now have not one but two options on their list to desecrate ANZAC Park HERE

We already knew about their plan to return with Option 5, but it is now bigger and nastier. Option 4, with an new entrance for cars to the park, complete with street lighting, right outside the house BCC knew to be our headquarters, was presented to us at the Workforce Parking Consultation Group last week.

Please help us save Anzac Park, ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing’.

Attend the Workforce Parking Community Consultation Sessions from 8-18 March. See BCC's Newsroom for times and locations HERE

MEDIA: 'High hopes for playing field'

From: The Courier-Mail March 02, 2011 12:00AM HERE

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Friends of Anzac Park! - Get your bumper stickers and signs

Supporters packages for sale. Signs for display on your fence and bumper stickers for your car.
$5 per corflute sign (if installation is required on your fence, it will be provided free of charge by a man in a Hilux. Talk to the man selling the sign)
$1 per bumper sticker

Where: in the park under the tree near the Wool Street entrance.
When: at 4 pm Saturday afternoon, 5 March.
Spread the message. Buy one for a friend. Or two.
Our goal: A sign on every fence in Toowong. A sign on every Toowong bumper.


Take link to - Image: Toowong tram, ca. 1905.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

CROSSWAY COLLEGE 'pathway to the future' not a pathway from a car park

CROSSWAY COLLEGE HERE - fondly known to Toowong locals as the ‘Bible College’ for the past 60 years, will be greatly impacted by BCC’s Option 4 - Dog off-leash area site, for the Legacy Way construction workforce car park. CROSSWAY COLLEGE ‘pathway to the future’ not a pathway for a three hundred vehicle car park right on their door step.

RAISE your concerns

Peter Matic, Councillor for Toowong Ward, Chairman of Environment, Parks & Sustainability HERE
Campbell Newman, Lord Mayor HERE

Graham Quirk, Councillor for MacGregor, Deputy Mayor, Chairman for Infrastructure HERE
Northern Link Legacy Way NEWSROOM HERE

Friends of ANZAC Park Toowong – History Group

If you are a local, state, national, world history enthusiast interested in researching ANZAC Park, Wool Street, Toowong and Ada Park, Mt Coot-tha Road, Toowong, with fresh eyes from the ground up, please email our History Group to nominate yourself as a History Group Supporter. We already have some great locals interested, including a qualified historian, a publisher, IT experts, a librarian, and many more. Take link - Image: Rifle training in Anzac Park, Toowong, Brisbane, ca. 1912. Image sourced from Picture Queensland, State Library of Queensland. This image is free of copyright restrictions. We will publish ANZAC Park - The True Story. We now have three statutory declarations from locals who witnessed ashes being scattered in the park, and more on the way. We will also apply to have the park listed on the Queensland Heritage Register so that it will have more statutory protection. The park is on the BCC Heritage Register to protect it but BCC are ignoring this inconvenient fact at the moment. If you have any primary source documents or photos connected with the history of ANZAC Park and Ada Park please contact us. Email: